Figure:- GridRaster’s Unified and Shared XR Infrastructure Platform
Massive multi-player, multi-platform, high-fidelity visuals and physics-based effects in AR/VR/MR, uses Unity 3D
Supports large virtual world without polygon reduction
Re-use of 3D models and ensures data currency
Precise Orientation, Alignment, and Anchoring of Virtual World on real-world physical objects
Auto-scaling and deployment using Kubernetes; resource optimization and sharing
Multi-level security that addresses authorization, access and encryption
On-premise, public/private cloud, hybrid cloud deployment
Multi-platform (Oculus Quest, HoloLens, iPad, PC); platform agnostic; cross- platform support
Allows instructor(s) and training sites to be geographically separated from each other
Different terrains, virtual players and other entities to deliver a dynamic, robust, and challenging training environment closer to real-world mission