Supply Chains in the 5G Era: A Paradigm Shift in Connectivity

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oday’s business world has finally reached a point where enterprise organizations and manufacturers can realize a seamless collaboration environment interconnected by a powerful network. With the recent introduction of 5G technology in various business applications, this scenario has gone from impossible to reality. As a result, now is a good time to invest in business expansion opportunities in manufacturing. 

Tapping into a Different Set of Technology Capabilities

This new landscape of 5G can only be realized when combined with Industry 4.0 technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), artificial intelligence (AI), edge computing and AR/VR. 5G enables real-time data to be translated into real-world applications in production. These technological capabilities, based on data analysis, not only increase productivity and efficiency, but also enable more informed decisions. From manufacturing to supply chain strategy and logistics, sensors harness the potential of 5G to create an integrated and intelligent ecosystem that will transform the way companies operate and thrive in today’s business environment. 

5G technology offers several advantages that make it particularly well-suited for use with automation technologies.

Among these are that 5G networks offer ultra-low latency, reducing the delay between transmitting and receiving data. This is essential for real-time communication and control of automation applications. Low latency provides fast response times, making it ideal for time-sensitive tasks in industrial automation, robotics, and other automated systems.

Furthermore, 5G offers much faster data transfer speeds compared to previous generations of mobile networks. This increased bandwidth enables the seamless transfer of large amounts of critical data for high-definition spatial data and video streaming, complex sensor data, and other data-intensive applications commonly used in automation.

Interconnectivity with Today’s Devices

Even more exciting, 5G can also support a significant number of simultaneous device connections per square kilometer. This is essential for increased proliferation of IoT devices and automation systems. For example, industrial environments can have a large number of interconnected sensors, actuators and devices, making 5G’s ability to handle multiple connections is critical.

5G networks are designed to be highly reliable. This is important for automation systems, where a consistent and dependable connection is necessary for smooth operations. Reliability is especially critical in applications such as autonomous vehicles, smart factories, and critical infrastructure.

Similarly, 5G also introduces the concept of network segmentation, which allows network operators to create virtual, segmented network segments optimized for specific use cases. This customization allows network parameters to be tailored to the specific needs of the automation application, ensuring optimal performance and resource allocation. 

Opening a World of AR/VR Potential for Supply Chains

5G’s enhanced mobile broadband (eMBB) capability provides high-speed and high-capacity data transfer, supporting applications that require large amounts of bandwidth. This is beneficial for high-quality video streaming, augmented reality (AR), and virtual reality (VR) applications often integrated into automation processes. 

What makes 5G special is its incredible speed, offering data speeds that are exponentially faster than 4G. This high-speed connection is useful for AR and VR applications that require a continuous and uninterrupted data stream. VR allows users to watch ultra-high-definition content without lag or buffering, creating an immersive experience. AR applications, on the other hand, benefit from real-time data streaming to enhance digital information overlays, and 3D digital twins of the real world. 

This technology also transforms the landscape of mobile AR applications by enabling richer and more complex experiences. With higher bandwidth and low latency, AR applications on smartphones can deliver more detailed and interactive content for enterprises and manufacturers, especially for supply chains. 

Supply chain professionals in warehouses and logistics environments can use 5G-powered AR devices to receive visual cues and directions for locating items. This can significantly speed up the picking process and reduce errors. AR can also assist in inventory management by providing real-time information about stock levels. 

VR simulations can be used to train warehouse staff on new processes or layouts. It can also help in planning and optimizing warehouse layouts for better efficiency. 

Other key areas where 5G significantly impacts AR/VR include supply chain visibility strategies, employee training programs, through advanced simulation and modelling, design and prototyping for engineering teams, and communication and collaboration with off-site customers.

Naturally, 5G complements edge computing by bringing computing resources closer to the source of data generation. This is beneficial for automation applications that require quick decision-making and processing of data at the edge of the network, reducing latency and improving overall system efficiency. 

The combination of low latency, high bandwidth, massive device connectivity, reliability, network slicing, eMBB, and support for edge computing makes 5G technology well-suited for various automation and virtual-enabled technologies across industries. It enables faster, more responsive, and more efficient automated systems, resulting in improved decision making, more efficient operations, and a more competitive overall organization in today’s global economy. 

Dijam Panigrahi is co-founder and COO of GridRaster Inc. 

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